Monday, November 20, 2006

My new BCS Deathwish

Let me preface this with a little background. I hate the BCS. I know that is a trendy thing to say, but actually, I hate the bowl system in general. When Florida State started making BCS games due to winning the ACC when they were in no way deserving, I began to abhor a system that decides that the AP is too uninformed to be used as a polling weight, so instead they have decided to use the Coaches poll which is so highly thought of (thanks Steve Spurrier...Go Blue Devils Football!!). Add this to the fact that there is still a general likelihood for not TRULY knowing who your national champion is, and again...I hate you BCS.

So after an epic battle between Ohio State and Michigan and the ensuing BCS standings, I have decided on a new way for my hatred to strike against both the stupid sports media and the BCS. You see...stupid sports media (read 4-letter networks especially their moronic "analysts" and their radio hosts) is now clamoring that a re-match would, in fact, be an acceptable notion. Ahhh yes, the same people who were once drilling the idea of a rematch are now saying they are ok with it after huge ratings came in on (SURPRISE) their own network! So to bash both of them, I too want to see a rematch. I want Michigan to play Ohio State and to win a close game. That way Michigan becomes National Champion...with the same record as Ohio State and the same record "head-to-head" against Ohio State. How ludicrous would that be? can Michigan be considered National Champion if they do in fact beat OSU in the title game after losing to them 6 weeks earlier? Oh yeah...I know how they would be...BCS.

On a side note to Bob Davie who is possibly a worse analyst than he was coach at ND, who called out the playoff idea by saying how OSU and Michigan would have rested their starters in the game on Saturday since they would have had a playoff spot in the bag. YOU, SIR, ARE A MORON! Why on Earth would they rest their starters? In any sort of rational playoff, they would be playing for their seeding in the playoff bracket. Thus, they would rather play the likes of Wisconsin or Louisville in the first round vs. playing Florida or USC in the first round. You only sit your starters if you have the top spot LOCKED UP. Not to mention that it is a freaking huge rivalry. That would be like Coach K resting starters against North Carolina after having won 18-19 games. Sure they will make the NCAA tournament..but everyone wants to be a #1 seed. And of course, Mike Greenberg chimed in this morning on his debacle of a radio show, agreeing with Bob Davie because Greenberg is 100% corporate shill and has 0% integrity/consistent thought. I really don't even think Greenberg actually agrees (because I just can't see how a moderately intelligent sports fan can) he's just doing what the other 4-letter idiots do...and that is strike up controversy/hype. Don't give me an informed opinion and thought-out arguments...just spew hype and then contradict yourself in order to add more hype. Yeah journalism!!

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